You’ve heard how smoking can negatively impact your lungs, but did you know it can also harm your bones and muscles?
Here are a some ways it effects your bones and muscles.
1. You are prone to more fractures because your bones lose mineral content.
2. Your risk of osteoporosis increases because of the link to bone loss.
3. It weakens your body’s collagen. Nicotine breaks down collagen in your skin and connective tissue.
4. Your body heals slower because your collagen is weaker.
5. You lose muscle mass and strength. This is due to your muscles reduced ability to metabolize energy produced during a workout.
6. You’re going to experience more muscle pain. When the body can’t repair itself as readily, muscle inflammation increases, and you’re more likely to be fatigued and sore.
What can you do to help?
1. Speak with you health care provider (e.g. chiropractor, medical doctor, etc.) about tips and programs available in your area.
2. Reducing the risk of/staying away from second hand smoke as well.
Make it a great day!
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