Do you know what nutrients help reduce the risk of chronic disease in women as they age?
Here is a list of nutrients that may help:
1. Iron.
?Iron deficiency in women is associated with a range of symptoms including depression; reduced endurance/work performance; and compromised intellectual and cognitive functions.
?Sources include: meat, fish, and poultry, dried beans, peas, lentils, as well as various grain products, which usually come fortified with iron.
?Vitamin C is the best dietary enhancer of iron absorption. So eat or drink something with vitamin C (e.g. orange/orange juice) to enhance the amount of iron your body can absorb.
2. Vitamin D.
?Vitamin D is especially important in older, post-menopausal women because insufficient levels reduce calcium in the bones. This will impair muscle strength, possibly lead to balance issues, falls, and fractures.
?Sources include: cod liver oil, salmon and sardines, eggs, mushrooms, oysters, fortified milk, yogurt, soy products, and cereals.
3. Omega-3.
?Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid that reduces cardiovascular disease and is vital during pregnancy, as it is the critical building block for the fetal brain and retinas, and help improve overall childhood development.
?Sources include: seafood and fish oil supplements, flaxseed oil, and various vegetable oils.
?Contact us for more nutrition tips, injury management, massage, or online fitness plans.

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