Ankle sprain rehab video

Rehab Your Nagging Ankle Sprain

Do you have a nagging lateral (outside) ankle sprain that just won’t go away? The following information may help: The anterior talofibular ligament is the most common ankle ligament injured. It is often sprained during an acute ankle inversion. It is important to understand the stages…

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Vital Nutrients For Women’s Health

Do you know what nutrients help reduce the risk of chronic disease in women as they age?.Here is a list of nutrients that may help:.1. Iron.?Iron deficiency in women is associated with a range of symptoms including depression; reduced endurance/work performance; and compromised intellectual and…

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Tips To Cope With The...

Do you know someone that won’t stop worrying about things they can’t change?.The following tips may help:.1. Manage your stress. Studies have shown that an exercise session as short as 20 minutes, meditation, and increased sleep can generate a relaxation response/improved mood/calmness for up to…

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Are you feeling emotionally drained and overwhelmed with your “to do list”?.Chronic emotional overwhelm, worry, and anxiety may lead to physical health problems..Here some of the strategies we recommend to our patients to overcome overwhelm..1. Clean your desk to clear your mind. A few short…

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